Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Hey May!

Assumingly that I have a regular set of readers, and they have missed my online existence... I know I am guilty of abandoning this blog. I've been complaining for the past two months that I have nothing good to do; wherein-fact I have roughly four journalism tutorials and assignments needed to be done. I have been battling with the struggles of my auto-mobile. I have been trying to look for a job that satisfies my hunger in the events and social sphere. I have been having a distracting myself off the distractions, my mobile phone, mainly. I have been trying out new looks: new haircut, bleached, dyed it blue, then ended up shaving it all off.

Every night, I would come up with the greatest 'life changing' things to do. In the morning, I'd hit the snooze button and wish that I could sleep longer. I drag myself out of bed, knowing that my dreams can only be a reality if I put action to it. I try doing some few stretches, and telling myself to keep doing it until I go really fit and stretched. I tried reading, but I realised that watching movies are easier. So, I would borrow a stack of DVDs. They are amazing. I found out that the genre I prefer would be some concoction of romance and comedy.

Reading is a struggle for me, I don't enjoy fake people going through their 'adventures'. I always end up reading the first few chapters then return the book prematurely. Then I realised one day while at the Coventry that I actually like reading-- I take time reading the signs on public squares, the inscriptions in the statues in the park, the small plaque with 'in memoriam' written to it. I like reality, it all came back to me. I like reading things that based on actual events. When you read something that I know that happened is like reading a history book! Now, I am reading "Yoga For Those Who Can't Be Bothered Doing It" by Geoff Dyer. I'm sure I borrowed the book because of the cover and the title. I can be biased for myself in many ways. I liked how he partitioned his book to a short stories, which I prefer, as well! He also uses titles that seem very far off but in reality, it comes from it. Dyer is my hero, whoever he is.

I donated blood last week, for goodness' sake. It's not like giving used blood wouldn't do me good. It's actually food for the soul knowing that I can do something for humanity, by losing something that will be replaced anyway (my hair shares this story, too). Answering through the questions in the form is actually scary. What if I said 'yes' wherein it's actually 'no'? Then, you'd sign the declaration at the bottom with the warnings of penalties, fines and even imprisonment?! The thought of it is scarier than the needle in my arm.

Well, also the end of March, the night after I met my French Angel... We went to the Fringe night, where I danced like a 1920's penniless sailor under the stars. The next morning, I had the atmosphere in my face. Yes, I had the worse acne breakout I ever had. My confidence was then sucked to a black hole, and I followed in the hopes to get it back. Now, my face is clearing up but I'm left with the scars. They say that scars make you stronger, and definitely uglier too. I haven't been publishing but I've been writing my thoughts in a visual diary. It's so messy, like my mind.

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