Sunday, 6 January 2013

Dora, where are we going?

I've been told I am a 'Jack of All Trades', well I think that isn't a compliment anymore-- it has turned to a insulting curse. It means I am capable of everything, but only to a certain degree. I can never be good at anything. On the sunny side up of the egg, at least I can do something. It's hard not to know what you want to do, and it's worse if you know what but you have too many options. I don't want to go to Uni. I think it's a waste of time, we've been in school trying to learn things in some other people's standards. I've been pondering if it was worth it. Well, at least in high school it taught me Chemistry, which is applicable in-- cooking! I'll come back for you Uni in case I've got nowhere else to go! For now, I'll be an alchemist.

This is Alex, he's a new friend. He's always be the new friend. I decided to start doing what I am passionate about. I am really into photography, literature and film-making. However, I can never fully comprehend why I am not good at it. So, this is a trial test if where I stand in taking photos. You be the judge, please be mean. Criticise me so I'll be stronger.


It was a 44 degree day in Adelaide Hills. It wasn't very cool, because that is in Celsius. Australia's a secret microwave oven sometimes. After it has cooled down a bit, we took these photos in around 10 minutes. I am not good at photoshop either, so I didn't do much in any of these outputs. I suck, I know.

Life is such a beautiful quest. I don't know where to go, I have all a sudden gotten scared of the uncertainty, but there should be a light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope that the tunnel isn't too long or the exit is a desert or something because I will be really pissed. Well, I wanted to just post something about what I feel and together what I did to try and make something out of what I've always wanted to do. I have even seen an award back when I was in primary, 'Photography of the Year', maybe because I was never scared to take shots of anyone with my film camera and actually had them printed at the time. I should do something, Dora seriously needs to tell me where to go. Wait, I've finished a degree in Events Management. What now beb? I'll just throw a party every weekend and hopefully earn a profit to buy more Chocolate Almonds. 

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